Disneyland Half Marathon
Location Disneyland Anaheim California Start Time 9/5/2010 9:06:04 AM
Category Race
Distance 13.33 miles Ascend 287 feet Descend -275 feet
Total Time 02:16:55 Moving 02:13:46 Stopped 00:03:09
Average Pace 00:10:16 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:04 min/mi Slowest Pace 03:28:14 min/mi
Calories 1812 Average HR 161 BPM Max HR 172 BPM
Weather 61 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 60.5 °F/60.9 °F; Pressure: 1007.8 mbar; Humidity: 88.2%; Dew point: 57.0 °F; Wind Speed: 0.2 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm/h
Equipment Garmin - FR 305
Superfeet - Green - Pair 3
Mizuno - Wave Rider
Superfeet - Green - Pair 1
Notes Year five running. One of the strongest races I ran. Time longer due to stopping for pictures with the characters, and a long bathroom stop.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:09:59 00:09:59 00:10:00 6.0 2.07
2.00 00:19:58 00:09:58 00:09:59 6.0 1.28
3.00 00:30:09 00:10:10 00:10:11 5.9 16.89
4.00 00:41:18 00:11:08 00:11:09 5.4 -12.65
5.00 00:51:03 00:09:45 00:09:46 6.1 21.66
6.00 01:00:49 00:09:45 00:09:45 6.2 -6.79
7.00 01:11:06 00:10:17 00:10:17 5.8 16.13
8.00 01:21:28 00:10:22 00:10:23 5.8 -0.79
9.00 01:31:44 00:10:15 00:10:15 5.9 -12.04
10.00 01:42:36 00:10:52 00:10:52 5.5 -9.57
11.00 01:52:57 00:10:20 00:10:21 5.8 -7.35
12.00 02:03:12 00:10:15 00:10:15 5.8 3.07
13.00 02:13:37 00:10:25 00:10:25 5.8 -5.99
13.33 02:16:55 00:03:17 00:09:58 6.0 -9.43